Papa & PYT

So wifey’s away and dad is pottering in the kitchen. It’s a papa & PYT lunch date at home. If the daughter wasn’t there, I’d do things differently, but all the same, here I am, trying my hand with whatever is close at hand and I can dig out.

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Enough of the butter, bacon and beer. It’s time for another B, a healthier one, to end 2015 with. Without any fanfare, presenting to you…the honest, humble beet!

Now, mine is not so much a formal recipe as a suggestion on pairing, assembling and serving beet with some other healthy stuff to make a salad, which also tastes pretty good. So go ahead and play around with it a bit.

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Righto, here we go! Change into your oldest, dirtiest pair of clothes and get the gear out – tackle, boots, worms… no, I’m only baiting you and you fell for it, didn’t you, hook, line & sinker?!

This is another rather simple preparation – fish in lemon butter sauce with capers and parsley. Made using frozen supermarket fish – I’ve made this using basa, pomfret (butterfish), and Indian saltwater salmon (‘rawas’). I’d suggest boneless fillets of any fish type that has a mild taste.

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So I fancy myself as a ‘food rustler’ ie someone who can rustle up something edible form what’s in the fridge/larder. With a little help from what comes out of bottles & cans. Honestly, I could do more, but moi le masterchef can’t cut & peel & chop – it’s too tiresome!

Oftentimes, my go-to dish is my version of spaghetti and spinach, although I see no reason why another form of pasta cannot be substituted. It’s simple, it’s a quick, one dish meal and most importantly, something which the family all eat without fussing.

Here goes –

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