
Many of you will know what this means
When I say I remember the days of my teens
Wanting to be like James Dean
In a short-sleeved tee & indigo jeans

Those were the days of simple blue
5 pocket denims without much ado
You could run them ragged and threadbare
Scuffs and stains, but never a tear

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Brands Make the Man

Came into a cool couple of million through a Nigerian scam
Thought I’d go splurge to better who I am

Clothes maketh the man, so with a craving for all things luxe
What better way to spend a few easy bucks

Donning these fancy labels and tags
They’d add way more style to my swag

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Young turks, crass riff raff, a foot in the door and then gradually elbowing their way in. Desperate to control, a sign of the times.

The genteel, old fogies, value systems constrained, constricted and then crowded out, shown the door.

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