The Big C

…and now that I’ve got your attention, folks,
let me just thank you big time
for reading, commenting, encouraging.
It’s my 100th “original” post on here.
(Well, actually my 103rd overall,
but one was a share, another, from Tagore
and the third, a simple straightforward welcome to my wife!)

What I try to do here is best explained
by this Greek adjective – MERAKI (pronounced: may-rah-kee)

  1. To do something with soul, creativity, or love.
  2. To put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing.

*There is no English equivalent for this word. Meraki is, unsurprisingly, untranslatable.

Thank you once again, everybody!



  1. Congrats Kunal and thank you for bringing some Meraki into our lives too. A century of original work is half a lifetimes journey after all the divan e ghalib has only 234 ghazals. Waiting to take a journey with you towards your next century 🙂 cheers

    Liked by 1 person


      1. You site too. The notifications were not on. I thought my reader was quiet because of Easter weekend. For some reason many who I follow that function was changed. Weird. Will fix so I don’t miss anymore.
        Hope you are having a great day.

        Liked by 1 person

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