10,9,8,7… No Mas? No Way!

Get up, stand up, carry on the fight
Don’t you dare call it a night
Don’t you lose focus, don’t lose sight

You can’t quit, it ain’t over and out
There’s always but always another bout
So get up again and shed that doubt

There’s a crown to win, don’t lose hope
Put up your guard, rebound off the ropes Continue reading →


Today, I take you on, my fears
You overwhelmed me all these years
Made me despair, had me in tears

Because of you I looked long but never leapt
Where many ran, I carefully stepped
You caused me to seem so out of depth

Many desires that I had sought
Those battles were lost before they were fought
You, fear, brought a lot to naught

From not wagering on a winning bet
To waking up in a clammy sweat
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