Arty Farty

One thing is absolutely crystal clear
I don’t have the smarts for art
But when the wife’s commanding voice calls, “dear?”
I run along to play my part

We (actually, she) were invited to the opening
Of a swanky, snooty new gallery
Followed by an auction of certified paintings
So we decked up in our finest finery

Now I’ve been to many a museum
For my share of history and culture
I find both quite dreary and ho-hum
But I don’t have the heart – or guts – to tell her

The place was rather minimalistic and plain
With track lighting and frame after frame
Starched, white-gloved waiters with flutes on trays
Accompanied by nibbles and an array of canapes

I shook hands, air-kissed and tried to make conversation
I couldn’t, so I focused on the degustation
While the good folks discussed canvas, strokes and palette
I was figuring what worked best on tongue and palate

Frescoes, oils, enamels, acrylic and watercolour
So much ardour and fervour
Brushes, Renaissance period, ink on silk
Pity, I wasn’t one of their ilk

Picasso, Michelangelo, Rousseau
Vincent Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo
Klimt and the mustachioed Salvador Dali
Renoir and the multi-talented Da Vinci

Different schools and different styles
Abstract, Cubism, Impressionism
Modernism, Surrealism, Expressionism
To understand them, it would take me a while

I smiled broadly, although I was ill at ease
Not recognising a Monet from a Matisse
About Rembrandt neither did I know very much
Except that he was Dutch or such

Oh yes, I was pleased as punch
When I could recognise a Munch
His famous and iconic The Scream
Although, honestly, I found it a tad extreme

The masterful medieval Europeans
Met their match in the Indians
For every Rubens, Goya, Cezanne and Gauguin
There was a Jamini Roy, Gaitonde and Husain

Raja Ravi Varma, Jatin Das and Raza
Amrita Sher-Gill and Francis Newton Souza
Ara, Tyeb Mehta and Satish Gujral
The aficionados all in a thrall

Time was so slow in passing
I had to linger some more
Pretending to be admiring
The miniatures, Madhubanis and Tanjores

When it was time to be seated
I made it appear I’d forgotten my wallet
I made a show of emptying out my pocket
So that the dear missus would fall for it

If I had to spend on a painting for my walls
I’d give a kid some crayons to make a scrawl
Mount his masterpiece, hang it up in the hall
Who knows, he’d grow up to be an Andy Warhol


*Image from the net, belongs to Tezi Gabunia



  1. I love to view art outside without all the wine and pretense. I like to imagine effort, talent, inspiration and mind pulling me into it. Oh, and children’s art is some of my favorite. Nothing like a heart translated my a child’s vision of art.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. So mean to the dear missus….but then I guess that’s part of the art that comes with the husband’s job! An absolutely entertaining read, Kunal, though had you actually doled out some dough, you would surely have appreciated Munch’s ‘Scream’ more! 😂

    Liked by 1 person


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