End of My World

Tears, a tsunami
They flow straight from the heart
Which itself experiences a quake
Of a magnitude not felt before
Anger, frustration, disappointment, helplessness,
Magma belching and spewing,
Creating a crater of searing memories
Body spinning wildly
Its axis destroyed
The mind, vacant and floating untethered
Somewhere in the vastness of the ether of the cosmos
Accompanied by broken dreams


It is the predicted apocalypse, the Day of Reckoning
Only, there is no saviour, no salvation


* Image by Chris Cold from Deviant Art


    1. Actually, it was on my mind for some time before I penned it. It’s imaginary, extrapolating my reaction to a certain event/circumstance that I’ve convinced my mind is inevitable. Cryptic & confusing enough a reply, eh? 😊

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