I’m experimenting here. Every alternate line links with the other, i.e. the bold with the bold & the italics with the italics, to form two separate poems in essence. If you’ll read it as such.

Two feet separates them at the dining table.
They straddle different continents.

A foot separates them on the bed at night.
He awakens when she’s asleep.

Six inches separate them on the couch.
Every waking moment seems like an eternity.

An armrest separates them at the movies.
They have an evening drink in loneliness.

They dance cheek to cheek.
They share a dream on different beds.

They inhabit different worlds.
They live in each other’s hearts.

Physical proximity, a chasm.
In the distance, a close union.



    1. Thanks, Kamal! It was an attempt to showcase how one couple can live together but yet not be emotionally connected, while another can be separated by distance yet have a soul connection.

      Thanks for coming across and commenting. Blessings!

      Liked by 1 person


      1. Yes for sure could understand what you were saying Kunal and I agree with your poem that it happens with many couples but that is life and one has to learn how to adjust and live it. Have a great day and keep posting such beautiful posts.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. First, I think your use of the technique is brilliant illustrating both the paradox and the discreet nature of each situation. Bittersweet I think. Of course,the second one is my favourite – what romance in the thought. A sad reality Kunal but I loved your poem nevertheless – soul connection is my thing! 😀

    Liked by 3 people


  2. From the title, to the sentiment this one hits home for us. As for the style and diction, Bravo! You might have gotten the Emotional Spaces more emotional.
    Need we say more? 😊

    Liked by 2 people


  3. Whistles!!! ❤️💜 My goodness, this is absolutely inspirational Kunal 😀 I love how you linked each phrase and managed to combine two poems into one! It feels like a romantic sequel! Sigh.. beautifully penned (as always) ❤️💜

    Lots of love,

    Liked by 1 person


      1. Yes, it can be for sure. My grandparents raised me and they didn’t love each other but they still took care of each other. I always felt sorry for them but they seemed content and they gave me lots of security. I guess it can be torturous or just another fact of life. But, I am glad not to experience either of your scenarios though you did a marvelous job of showing them.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. This is not an uncommon. It is a real test of love especially with parental duties not then being shared. Being a weekend husband and father is not the best. Luckily those days are long behind me now. Great work in running the two poems in parallel.

    Liked by 1 person


  5. What an interesting exercise and I think you have succeeded really well in juxtapositioning the two concepts of physical distance and distant closeness. Bravo! I did like the gradual progression on the physical side from 2 feet to 1 foot to 6 inches to armrest to cheek etc. Astute my friend… very astute! On the other side it is the soul that connects… and the soul knows no distance, for time and space pose no limits. I really liked this Kunal and Thank You for drawing my attention to your poem. We are all well here in snowy Lanark. A cold Wintry day here. Regards to you all! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


      1. Thank you my friend. I have finally reconnected with my Blog after all this time…and even now it’s not going to be for long as I am off to Oz a week tomorrow, but I want to promote my daughter’s Book- Descendants by Rae Else on here. I know I have missed lots of your posts Kunal, but it’s been a strange six months and I think this long break will be good for recharging the creative batteries. I shall keep in touch via good ol’ Facebook. My good wishes to you all and I did enjoy reading your last poem about REM sleep, nightmares and being together in that place where we go when the body switches off! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve read this several times over the span of a couple days. I find it so cleverly devised the way you’ve succeeded in making it more than just one poem. Fascinating. Really well done 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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