Andante Andante

Inspired by the ABBA song of the same name from Mamma Mia, the movie.
Here’s the meaning of the word, which I had to look up –
anˈdante (MUSIC)
adverb & adjective : (especially as a direction) in a moderately slow tempo.
noun : a movement, passage, or composition marked to be performed andante.

And plush velvet canopy above.
With gentle breeze and resplendent stars.
Flutes of wine.
Diaphanous curtains aflutter.
Emotions swirling.
Smiles and scents.
Lilt of dulcet notes from the drawing room.

That feeling of proximity and connectedness.
Comfort, candour, completeness.
In a sensuous setting.

A splash more wine.
A change of scene to the indoors.
Laughter. Choir of heartbeats rising in tempo.
Senses aroused.
Touch. Fleeting, then lingering.
A slow dance.
Lips and fingertips.
A kiss, another, and another.
A deep meeting of the eyes.
A deeper inbreath.

A gradual build up of mutual desire.
Tender, at first, twirling & tousling.
Nibbles and giggles.
Then passion. Real and intense.
Chemistry morphing to the physical.
Ear lobes, nape and parts erogenous.
Intimacy unbuttoned and unclasped.
Bodies in consonance with each other.
Ruffled hair and crumpled sheets.
And then a feeling of calm.
Continuing into whispered conversation.
Caresses of contentment.
Celebratory champagne, the coda.
Worldly care, bottled diminuendo.

As time slumbers.
Seduced by the slender arms of love.
And an afterglow envelopes the night.


  1. I have rusted fingers now , my piano sits in a forgotten corner , but this made it all come alive , the music and manic magic of love!

    Sensuality in word crescendo ! You put together the right rests , perfect arrangement of notes , quivering quavers , staccatos and bold chords where needed !

    Liked by 1 person


  2. I may be one of the few blog readers who has not seen Mama Mia yet. I have Amazon Prime and I bet it’s available with my membership, so I have no excuse. Now, I must see it after reading your inspirational blog and listening to beautiful Andanté!

    Liked by 1 person


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