The Meaning of Friendship

I may have learnt not much from my father, but the one thing I have is the meaning of friendship.

Having witnessed first-hand his closest relationships with his German friends over 66 years, I cannot but be amazed. Time and distance (mind you, this has been through the 50s – 80s – the second half of the 20th century in India, when we didn’t all have phones & certainly not the internet, and then the 2000s, when age has taken a physical toll!), have been no barrier to sentiment, affection and above all, the desire to stay connected.

Cheers, dad! To you and all your German friends!


  1. Beautiful, Kamal. I’m sure you’ve heard the ancient, proverbial saying (I believe attributed to Aristotle) that “friendship is one soul existing in two bodies.” And really, this is the essence of genuine friendship, is it not? Blessings to you!

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    1. Yes, they’re always close to heart, even if far away. What I find inspiring is the effort taken by my dad and his friends in spite of the physical distance and the difficulties of age! Thanks for the lovely comment, ma’am!

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