Letting Go

The raindrop falls enthusiastically, exuberantly,

Drawn as it is towards the ground

With whom it is inextricably linked by destiny,

Dampening it with delirious delight.

It pauses not to think of the cloud

Which loves it perhaps more, but releases it selflessly,

Only to remain a dull grey, bereft of moisture.

But pleased yet at making fertile the earth.


As a parent does a grown child.


Godspeed, my love!




  1. This is sooooo beautiful — even without the last line – just the raindrop story….but the end is …oooooh — incredibly touching. My prayers for a beautiful journey in light and love for you and all your family – together always at heart – unlike the raindrop and the cloud. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people


  2. This is such a difficult time of life where the parent feels happiness and emptiness at the same time isn’t it? The emotions so well expressed, Kunal. Your son or daughter?? Wishing him/her best wishes in his/ her future endeavours.

    Liked by 3 people


  3. Very sensitively written Kunal. When poetry comes from an actual experience, it connects deeper! Life is a balance between holding on and letting go -Rumi. Am in the same boat so maybe it touches deeper. May God guide her path.

    Liked by 3 people


      1. I wish you well as you travel this new journey. Mine started nine years ago (OMG!) and we are good now. We talk to them often and have seen them a lot lately so we’re still in touch. I love that they are learning so much and sharing it with me. I feel blessed that teacher/learner roles of mother/daughter are gradually shifting to co-learner/co-teacher. It’s a good place to be. 🙂 Oh, I might want to write a poem about that! Thanks for the inspiration.

        Liked by 1 person

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