Picture-perfect Daydream (Thodasa Rumani Ho Jaaye)

Give me forested surroundings
French windows and stone verandahs
Tendrils of ivy on stone, a wisp of mist
Fresh cut grass and verdant greenery
Dew on leaf tips
First light of dawn, dusky twilight
Butterflies and fireflies

Give me the silence of raw nature
Interspersed by the call of cuckoos, larks and nightingales
The sound of leaves rustling
Clouds, contrails and stars gleaming
Crescents and cool, gently wafting winds

Give me a gurgling brook and shimmering waterflow
Fairy lights and fragrant incense sticks

Give me beauteous company
Coffee, cognac, conversations till late
Whispers, caresses, cuddles
Neck massages and nibbles
A gentle stroking of soft, stray locks

And simply let me be



  1. The title then the picture then the painting of your words and then Ed Sheeran
    I was like 😍😍😍😍😍
    All the way until the endπŸ˜„
    My favorite would be your poetry though.Such beautiful Imagery.I felt like grabbing those words and magically turning it into reality 😊❀️

    Liked by 1 person


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