I’d rather write a thousand words
And have you draw that one picture
On the canvas of your mind

You know that familiar scalloped shape
Tapering to a point
Colour it a crimson
Let the paint run

Bleed, as they say
A vivid wound
No, don’t dab it dry
Don’t brush it away
You never did then

Dip your brush once more in the palette
Broad strokes in the background
Subdued pastels, darker swishes
A myriad colours
Your moods, your whims, your fancies

Now take the finest nib
And add all the pinpricks
I felt all those years

The deep red dribble, the highlight
As it drips colour
My tears that never dried

Now frame the portrait
And carry it with you wherever you go
Like I do my pain

Pinned as it is, and on display
On the walls of my heart


  1. Paint your heart like what you feel, but don’t forget to erase the vain things, just select a color from the most beautiful taste.
    is this a random? it’s called WOW.



  2. I very much enjoyed the imagery you use in this one. The mind and the heart in many ways are like canvases. Great analogy and symbolism. Keep up the great creative work.

    Liked by 2 people


  3. Wah! As they say when listening to Urdu Shayris. The pain, the pathos, the painting you have created with vivid words is moving. Happened to read this after reading your Insomniac Alphabet and it beautifully brings out the range you explore.



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